Renton Marriage License, WA
Local Officiants
King County
Marriage License Requirements
Marriage License Fee: $67
Black River Cmty. Service Center
919 SW Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
Ph: 206.477.4881
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. / M, Tu
Closed: Noon – 1:00 p.m. / Lunch
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Arizona:
To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must:
The applicants must complete an application and both applicants must sign the application before a notary public or deputy Auditor. A Power of Attorney may not be used as a substitute.
One or both parties need to appear in person for marriage license application, there is an alternative method enabling absentee application via mail. Please contact the King County Recorder's office at least one month prior to the wedding for details.
Both applicants must be currently unmarried.
Both applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older.
Government issued picture identification is required showing birth date.
The applicants cannot be nearer of kin to each other than second cousins, whole or half blood.
A marriage license purchased from any county in Washington State can be used to get married anywhere in Washington State. The permanent record of the marriage certificate will be recorded with the county from which the marriage license was purchased.
Submitting by mail:
Download Marriage license application
Both affidavit sections must be completed (using current, full, legal names), signed and notarized, and the original document sent to King County Marriage Licensing.
Send completed and notarized application, along with a $64 payment (see fees below for accepted forms of payment). No cash. Mail to the Seattle/Downtown Licensing Office:
If an application is mailed, the marriage license must be picked up at the downtown Seattle office; it will not be mailed.
King County Marriage Licensing
King County Administration Building
500 Fourth Ave., Suite 430
Seattle, WA 98104
Marriage ID Requirement:
Government issued picture identification is required showing birth date.
Driver's License
State issued ID card
US Military ID
US Passport
US Passport Card
Permanent Resident Card
Foreign Gov't issued Passport
Marriage Waiting Period:
There is a mandatory 3-day (calendar day) waiting period before the license becomes valid.
The 3 day waiting period begins the day you sign the application and pay the license fee. For example, if an application is made on Wednesday, the first day the marriage license can be used is Saturday.
The 3 day waiting period cannot be waived.
Marriage Residency Requirement:
Applicants do not have to be residents of the State of Washington to obtain a marriage license.
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
Proof of divorce from a previous spouse, or death of a spouse, is not required to obtain a marriage license. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the final decree of divorce is filed before applying for a new marriage license.
If in a domestic partnership a marriage application can be obtained ONLY if the parties to the marriage are the same as the parties to the state registered domestic partnership.
Marriage License Fees:
The marriage license fee in King County is $$64. Personal checks, cashier's checks, money orders, or cash (in-person only) are accepted forms of payment. Check should be made payable to King County Recorders. Starter checks are not acceptable. Please include a current return address on all correspondence.
Proxy Marriages:
No. However, if both of you cannot apply for your marriage license application at the same time, you may be able to apply through an Absentee Marriage Application. Contact the King County Recorder's office for more information about this option.
Cousin Marriages:
Common Law Marriages:
Marriage Blood Test Washington:
Blood tests and physical exams are not required to obtain a marriage license.
Name Change:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
Applicants 16 years or under must have written waiver from Juvenile Court signed by a Superior Court Judge, as well as written permission of a parent or guardian. Parental or guardian permission must be sworn to and signed before a notary public or deputy auditor.
Applicants who are 17 years of age must have written permission by one parent or legal guardian. Such consent must be sworn to and signed before a notary public or deputy auditor.
Applicants under the age of 17 must apply to the Juvenile Court system in order to obtain a license.
Marriage Officiants Washington:
State law prescribes who can perform a marriage ceremony: active and retired Supreme Court justices, Court of Appeals judges, Superior Court judges, Superior Court commissioners, and judges of courts of limited jurisdiction, as well as any regularly licensed or ordained minister or priest of any church or religious denomination. See RCW 26.04.050 for a complete list.
Ministers from any state may perform marriage ceremonies, but the ceremony must be performed in the State of Washington. Couples may not officiate their own ceremony.
[the_ad id="38147"]Marriage Witnesses
Witnesses are not necessary to apply for a license, but state law requires that at least two witnesses be present at the ceremony. Witnesses should be at least 12 years of age.
Expiration Date of Marriage License:
The Marriage License is valid for 60 days following the 3 day waiting period.
The marriage license is void and non-transferable if the marriage does not take place within 60 days of issue.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Washington Dept. of Health
Center for Health Statistics
P.O. Box 9709
Olympia, WA
Ph: 360.236.4300
Fx: 360.236.4818
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. For more information regarding marriage license records and laws please visit King County Website.