Jamestown Marriage License, RI
Local Officiants
Town of Jamestown
Marriage License Requirements
Marriage License Fee: $24
93 Narragansett Avenue
Jamestown, RI 02835
Ph: 401-423-7200
Fax: 401-423-7229
8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m./ M – F
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Rhode Island:
To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must:
In order to obtain a marriage license in Rhode Island:
Both parties must be at least 18 years of age.
Both parties must apply for the marriage license in person at a city or town office and sign the license in the presence of
the city or town clerk or his or her assistant. -
Both parties must present proof of birth facts and identification.
Both parties must provide a certified copy of a birth certificate.
Pay the necessary license fee ($24).
Marriage ID Requirement Rhode Island:
Valid driver’s License
Valid state issued ID card
Military ID
Valid Passport
Valid Passport Card
Passports are only accepted for birth facts if born outside of the U.S.
Permanent Resident Card
Foreign Gov’t issued Passport
Certified copies of birth certificates from the city or town or state office of vital records from where the birth occurred are required.
Marriage Waiting Period Rhode Island:
There is no waiting period in the State of Rhode Island.
Marriage Residency Requirement Rhode Island:
Rhode Island residents:
If both applicants live in Rhode Island, apply for the license from the city/town clerk’s office of the residence of either applicant. The marriage license is valid in any city/town in Rhode Island and the couple may be married anywhere in Rhode Island.
If one applicant lives in Rhode Island the license must be issued from that applicant’s city/town of residence.
If neither applicant lives in Rhode Island, the marriage license must be obtained at the city/town clerk’s office where the ceremony will take place. Rhode Island law states that the marriage license is valid only in the city or town in which it was issued. If the ceremony is performed in a city/town other than where it was issued, the validity of the marriage may be in question.
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
If either applicant has been previously married, civilly united or in a registered domestic partnership, and the previous marriage, civil union or registered domestic partnership ended in divorce, dissolution or death, that person must present a certified copy of the FINAL decree of divorce or dissolution, or a certified copy of the death certificate to the city/town clerk.
Marriage License Fee Rhode Island:
Rhode Island marriage license fee is ($24).
Proxy Marriages Rhode Island:
No. Both parties must be present.
Cousin Marriages Rhode Island:
Yes. Marrying your cousin is legal in Rhode Island.
Common Law Marriages Rhode Island:
In order for a common law marriage to be valid in Rhode Island, the couple must:
Intend to be married
Hold themselves out as married to the public
Cohabitate or live together
Other circumstantial evidence can also help to establish a common law marriage. This includes jointly owned property, a joint bank account or the couple sharing a last name. Additionally, time is not a factor in Rhode Island.
Blood Test Requirement Rhode Island:
Rhode Island does not require a premarital blood test.
Name Change:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements Rhode Island: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
A Minor’s Permit to Marry must be completed for any applicant under the control of a parent or guardian if 16 or 17 years of age. The permit may be obtained from the city or town clerk where the license will be issued and should be signed and notarized in the presence of the city or town clerk issuing the license.
Applicants under the age of 16 cannot get a marriage license in the state of Rhode Island without the approval of Family Court.
Marriage Officiants Rhode Island:
Every ordained clergy or elder in good standing.
Every justice of the supreme court, superior court, family court, workers’ compensation court, district court or traffic tribunal.
The clerk of the supreme court, every clerk or general chief clerk of a superior court, family court, district court, or traffic tribunal.
Magistrates, special or general magistrates of the superior court, family court, traffic tribunal or district court.
Administrators of the workers’ compensation court and every former justice or judge and former administrator of these courts.
Every former chief clerk of the district court.
Every former clerk or general chief clerk of a superior court.
The secretary of the senate.
Elected clerks of the general assembly.
Any former secretary of the senate or any former elected clerk of the general assembly who retires after July 1, 2007.
Judges of the United States appointed pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution.
Bankruptcy judges appointed pursuant to Article I of the United States Constitution.
United States magistrate judges appointed pursuant to federal law.
Every justice and every former justice of the municipal courts of the cities and towns in this state.
The police court of the town of Johnston.
Every probate judge and every former probate judge.
Wardens of the town of New Shoreham may join persons in marriage in New Shoreham.
RESPONSIBILITIES of the officiant:
Perform the ceremony
Sign the appropriate officiant section of the marriage license in black ink only (no commercial correction products may be used).
Obtain witnesses’ signatures on the marriage license in black ink only (no commercial correction products may be used).
Register the marriage record within 72 hours with the city/town clerk where the license was issued.
Marriage Witnesses Rhode Island:
The marriage must take place in the presence of two (2) witnesses who have reached legal age (18 years of age).
Expiration Date of Marriage License Rhode Island:
The license is valid for (90) days after the issuance date.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Division of Vital Records
3 Capitol Hill, Room 101
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Ph: 401.222.2812
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. For more information regarding Rhode Island marriage license laws and records please visit www.jamestownri.gov.