Lamoine Marriage License, ME
Local Officiants
Town of Lamoine
Marriage License Requirements
Marriage License Fee: $40.00
Lamoine Town Hall
606 Douglas Hwy,
Lamoine, ME 04605
Phone: (207)667-2242
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. / M – F
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Maine:
The first step towards getting married is to file a marriage intentions application to obtain a Marriage License.
- Out-of-state residents must file their intentions to marry in any municipal office. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine.
Residents of the State of Maine must file their intentions to marry in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides.
If only one of the parties resides in Maine, the parties must file their intentions to marry in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the resident party resides. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine.
Both parties must sign the license before it can be issued.
It is important that you verify all information with your local Municipal Clerk’s office before making a trip to purchase your marriage license.
Marriage ID Requirement Maine:
Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport or State ID with picture).
Marriage Residency Requirement Maine:
You do not have to be a resident of Maine.
Marriage Waiting Period Maine:
There is no waiting period. You receive your license immediately following the filing of your intentions.
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
If you have been married before and are divorced, you must show a certified copy of your last divorce decree to the Clerk.
An annulment decree is required if the last marriage ended in annulment. This should not be a church annulment but a civil decree.
If your last spouse has died, you will need to show a certified copy of the death certificate for the deceased spouse.
Marriage License Fee Maine:
The marriage license fee is $40 to get married in Maine. Preferred method of payment is cash. For guidance on additional methods of payment, please call ahead.
Marriage Blood Test Requirement Maine:
No blood tests are required.
Name Change:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements Maine: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
If either applicant is under the age of 18 they must have consent from the parent(s) or legal guardian before the marriage license can be issued. The parent(s) or guardian may appear in person before the municipal clerk where the license was applied for and give consent, or they may give consent in writing before a notary public to be presented to the clerk.
If either applicant is under the age of 16 years intend to marry, the Municipal Clerk’s must notify the Judge of Probate when marriage intentions are filed in their office. If no written consent from the judge has been received by the 30th day after the intentions are filed, consent shall be considered as received and the clerk may issue the license.
Proxy Marriages Maine:
Cousin Marriages Maine:
Common Law Marriages Maine:
Same Sex Marriages:
Yes. As of December 29, 2012, same-sex couples can get married in Maine.
Solemnize Marriages in Maine:
The following individuals are authorized to perform marriages in Maine:
Ordained ministers of the gospel
A person licensed to preach by an association of ministers, religious seminary or ecclesiastical body
Judges or justices (residents of Maine only)
Lawyers admitted to the Maine Bar (residents of Maine only)
Maine Notaries
Marriage Witnesses Maine:
The ceremony must be witnessed by at least two people other than the officiant, and signed by the couple, the officiant and witnesses.
The officiant must return the marriage certificate to the municipal clerk within seven days of the ceremony.
Expiration Date of Marriage License Maine:
This license is valid in any community in Maine for a period of 90 days from the date the intentions are filed.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Vital Statistics
Office of Vital Statistics
State House Station #11
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Ph: 207.287.3184
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Additional information can be found on the State of Maine Gov website.