Fulton County Marriage License, KY
Local Officiants
Fulton County
Marriage License Requirements
Marriage License Fee: $35.50
2216 Myron Cory Drive, Suite 3,
Hickman, KY 42050
Phone (270)236-2727
Fax (270)236-2522
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. / M – F
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Kentucky: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must:
Information needed (from both applicants) to complete the application includes:
Name & address
Date of birth & age
Place of Birth (If in KY give county, in another state give state)
Father’s name
Mother’s first & maiden name
Current status of bride & groom (Single, Divorced, Annulled, Widowed)
Number of previous marriages of both applicants
Occupations of both applicants
Race of both applicants
Whether applicants are related (First & second cousins are not permitted to marry in Kentucky)
Date of marriage
Marriage ID Requirement Kentucky:
Driver’s License
Government issued picture ID
Original Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Marriage Waiting Period Kentucky:
There is no waiting period in Kentucky.
Marriage Residency Requirement Kentucky:
You do not have to be a resident of Kentucky.
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
If previously married, applicant must provide documentation to prove a previous marriage has been dissolved either through death or divorce.
Marriage License Fees Kentucky:
The fees to get married in Kentucky are $35.50. Please call ahead to your local County Clerk’s office to find out the fee and ask what form of payment is accepted. In some cases, you may need to bring cash.
Proxy Marriages Kentucky:
Cousin Marriages Kentucky:
No. Kentucky won’t recognize these marriages even if legal in another state.
Common Law Marriages Kentucky:
Marriage Blood Test Requirement Kentucky:
No blood test.
Name Change:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements Kentucky: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
Applicants 16 & 17 years old must have parental consent and the license issued in the county of residence of the under aged applicant. If both applicants are under age, the application needs to be made in the bride’s county of residence
No one under the age of 16 may be issued a license unless they are pregnant and have a District Court Judge issue a court order directing the Clerk to do so.
A Consent to Marriage Form (84-FCC-501) is required. This must be completed, witnessed, signed by the parent or legal guardian* of the minor, and sworn by the deputy clerk. (A guardian must bring the document affirming guardianship).
One parent or legal guardian* and two witnesses 18 years old or older, must sign the Consent to Marriage Form for each minor.
If the parents of either minor are divorced, custody papers are required to sign the Consent to Marriage Form.
Birth certificate or driver’s license must be presented. Parents/legal guardians need to present a valid ID as well.
*Legal guardian must have full guardianship.
Note: Kentucky does not marry minors whose parents reside outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Marriage Officiants Kentucky:
Marriages shall be solemnized only by clergy, justices and judges of the Court of Justice; retired justices and judges of the Court of Justice, except those removed for cause or convicted of a felony; county judge/executives; such justices of the peace and fiscal court commissioners as the Governor or the county judge/executive authorizes, and certain religious societies.
At least two persons in addition to the parties and the person solemnizing the marriage must be present at every marriage.
There are no residency requirements or licensing requirements applicable to ministers or priests who wish to perform marriages in Kentucky.
A minister or priest, all justices and judges of the Court of Justice, justices of the peace and fiscal court commissioners may perform marriages anywhere in Kentucky.
Marriage Witnesses Requirements Kentucky:
Yes, two persons other than those being married and the person solemnizing the marriage must be present as witnesses.
Expiration Date of Marriage License Kentucky:
The license is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance and the license fee is non-refundable.
The license must be used within the State of Kentucky.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Kentucky Dept. for Public Health
Office of Vital Statistics
275 East Main Street – IE-A
Frankfort, KY 40621
Ph: 502.564.4212
Fx: 502.227.0032
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. For more information regarding Kentucky marriage license laws and records please visit www.chfs.ky.gov.