Trego County Marriage License, KS
Local Officiants
Trego County
Marriage License Requirements
Marriage License Fee: $85.50
216 North Main,
WaKeeney, KS 67672
Ph: 785-743-2148
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m./ M – F
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Kansas: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must:
On the application you will need to know the following information for both applicants:
Full Name (first, middle and last)
Date of birth
Either a social security or driver’s license number.
State ID
Applicants’ parents information:
Both fathers’ full name (First, Middle and Last)
Both mothers’ full name (First, Middle and Maiden)
All birthplaces (State or Foreign Country)
Marriage License fee of $85.50 and you can only pay in cash.
Marriage ID Requirement Kansas:
Driver’s License
Social Security Card
State Photo Identification Card
Marriage Waiting Period Requirement Kansas:
Kansas has a three (3) day waiting period after application is made before you may pick up the Marriage License.
Application made on Monday: the license may be picked up the following Thursday or any work day thereafter.
Application made on Tuesday: the license may be picked up the following Friday or any workday thereafter.
Application made on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday: the license may be picked up the following Monday or any work day thereafter.
Marriage Residency Requirement Kansas:
You do not have to be a resident of Kansas.
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
If either of you were previously married, you will need to know the date of the final divorce decree or death of spouse.
Marriage License Fees Kansas:
The fee for the Marriage License is $85.50. Cash only – no checks or credit cards!
Proxy Marriages Kansas:
Cousin Marriages Kansas:
Common Law Marriages Kansas:
Marriage Blood Test Requirement Kansas:
No tests.
Name Change Kansas:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements Kansas: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
The minimum age to get married is 15 in Kansas. This legislation can be waived only by a district court judge who thinks that getting married at such a young age would be in that individual’s best interest.
Teens who are 16 or 17 years old need to obtain one of the following in order to get married in Kansas:
Obtain parental or legal guardian permission and judicial consent.
Receive permission from both parents or legal guardian.
If the minor’s parents are dead, or if there is no legal guardian, permission must be received from a judge.
Marriage Officiants Kansas:
Any ordained clergyman of any religious denomination or society may perform marriages.
Ministers are required to file credentials or ordination with the judge of a probate court before performing marriages.
Minister must return the marriage license and a certificate of marriage to the probate judge who issued the marriage license within 10 days after the marriage.
Marriage Witnesses Kansas:
Yes. Your witnesses must be age 18 or older.
Expiration Date of Marriage License Kansas:
Kansas marriage license will valid for 6 months from the issued date.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Office of Vital Statistics
Curtis State Office Building
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 120
Topeka, KS 66612-2221
Ph: 785.296.1400
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. For more information regarding Kansas marriage license records please visit