Fayette County Marriage License, IN
Local Officiants
Fayette County
Marriage License Requirements
Indiana Title 31. Family Law and Juvenile Law
Marriage License Fees:
$18.00 – Residents
$60.00 – Non-residents
401 Central Avenue,
Connersville, IN 47331
Ph: 765.825.1813
8:30 a.m – 4:00 p.m. / M – F
(except for Court Approved Holidays)
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Marriage Application Requirement Indiana: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must:
Applications must be at least 18 years of age.
Both applicants must be present at the time of application with a valid driver’s license or a state identification card, for proof of residency, identity, and date of birth.
You will also be required to provide your Social Security Number, although your Social Security Card may not be required.
You will need to provide the following for both parents:
- Full Name, Last known address, Birthplace (state or foreign country)
Bring your fee: Indiana residents pay $18; residents of other states or countries pay $60 cash (only).
Once the license is obtained, Indiana residents may be married anywhere in the state of Indiana.
The records will be recorded in whatever county you applied in.
Marriage ID Requirement Indiana: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
Be sure to bring one of the following forms of identification to prove your identity and date of birth:
Current, valid drivers license or state-issued ID card
Birth Certificate
Indiana state law (IC 31-11-4-6) includes “any written evidence of the individual’s date of birth that is satisfactory to the clerk.” In addition, if this documentation is in any language other than English, it may be necessary to have it translated and notarized before submitting it to the clerk.
Because local policies vary by county, please contact your local Clerk’s Office in advance to ensure you have all the required documents.
Marriage Waiting Period Indiana:
There is no waiting period for the marriage license. You receive it the same day that you apply.
Marriage Residency Requirement Indiana:
Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records
If you were previously married, you will need to provide the month and year each ended, as well as how each ended (some counties may require copies of divorce decrees for marriages that ended less than two years ago)
Marriage License Fees Indiana:
The marriage license fee is $18 if one or both parties are Indiana residents and $60 for out-of-state residents. Some offices also charge an additional document fee of $2. Each copy of the Certified Marriage License (required for name change at BMV, SSN, etc.) is also $2. Most counties require these fees to be paid in cash.
Proxy Marriages Indiana:
Cousin Marriages Indiana:
Yes. Marriage between first cousins is permitted if both individuals are at least sixty-five (65) years of age.
Common Law Marriages Indiana:
No. Indiana does recognize common law marriages legalized by another state.
Blood Test Requirement Indiana:
No other tests are required in Indiana to get married.
Name Change Indiana:
Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.
Marriage Age Requirements Indiana: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate
Any minor wanting to get married must bring a certified copy of a birth certificate.
If you are 17 years old you must apply for the license with both parents parents or legal guardians — they need to sign the consent part of the application.
If an applicant is either 16 or 15 years of age, a different process must be followed. This person must petition the Circuit Court via a “Permission to Marry” form. This is done as a way of getting the court’s permission to marry. The cost for filing this court document is $124—and that fee is not refundable, even if the judge decides against letting the minor marry.
Marriage Officiants Indiana:
Marriages may be performed by a member of the clergy (including a minister, priest, bishop, rabbi, and imam), a judge, a magistrate, mayor, a clerk of the circuit court, or a clerk or clerk-treasurer of a city or town.
[the_ad id="38147"]Marriage Witnesses Indiana:
No, this is no longer required.
Expiration Date of Marriage License Indiana:
Indiana marriage license is valid for 60 days from the date it is issued.
The records will be recorded in whatever county you applied in.
Couples who do not marry within the 60 days must apply for a new license before marrying.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage License
Vital Records Section
State Department of Health
2 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Ph: 317.233.2700
Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. For more information regarding Indiana marriage license laws please visit www.in.gov.